Screenshots & comments

Play Now Alpha test version

Playable alpha test version now available as WebGL build in Gyroboom Alpha. Try it out. I'm collecting game telemetry data, not any persnonal or other information.

Scene & Game view

Overview from scene and game view. My Blender skills (and patience) pretty much covers drawing cylinders, but these are ok for this stage of development. UI has currently two dials. Speed and Energy. FPS is shown only for dev purposes.

Energy Pylons

Energy pylons on top of the cubes. Pylons have energy capacity that is released when shot or gyroboomed. Some of the enegery is transferred to Gyroboomer.


Ballbots guard the levels. They are the most basic enemies that should be fun to mass elminate :) When destroyed some of energy is transferred to Gyroboomer.


Gyroboomer is the players vehicle to move and blast trough the levels. Gyroboomer has energy missiles as ranged weapon and spinning middle axel is used foe meelee.

Control Tube

By placing Control Cube to the Control Tube you can activate different kinds of mechanisms